Cost Estimation Request
/calculate/v1/freightTrialEach request is regarded as a parcel, one parcel could include multiple SKUs and different quantities.
Input the fulfillment center, consignee address info, seller OCSKUID or parcel dimension and weight.
In the Parcel, if SKUType is OCSKUID, parcel dimension and weight is not required. If the SKUType is not OCSKUID, the parcel dimension and weight are required.
Each request should have a unique referenceid. Get result by referenceid later.
The company name or business name of the consignee.
The consignee's address line 1
The consignee's address line 2
The consignee's city
The consignee's destination country, 2-character country code(ISO-3166)
The consignee's email address
The consignee's full name
The consignee's contact Number
The consignee's zip code
The consignee's Province/state
The consignee's house number
Whether this is international service are self-paid:
Default regard as yes.
Whether this service is eBay order;
true:ebay order (autofulfill not included);
false: non-eBay order;
Default regard as non-eBay order.
The request unique code, which will be used to get the response of [API: Cost estimation Reponse].
Fulfillment Center:
Service Type: EF,OCN. Default will regard asEF
shippingServiceCode list. Acquire from the[API:Get Service List].If empty, it will return all supported service and pricing
sku info List
Whether the skus are OCSKUID.
If SKUs are OCSKUID, it will check whether the SKUs are verified, no necessary to input sku info such as dimension, weight, siop, battery,etc. However. If SKU are not OCSKUID, SKU info are required.
"apiVersion": "",
"data": {
"companyName": "test",
"consigneeAddress1": "test",
"consigneeAddress2": "test",
"consigneeCity": "test",
"consigneeCountryCode": "AU",
"consigneeEmail": "",
"consigneeName": "Amy Test",
"consigneePhone": "5700011111",
"consigneePostCode": "4610",
"consigneeProvinceOrState": "test",
"houseNumber": "202",
"intlSelfPayment": true,
"mfservice": true,
"referenceId": "16957823453791",
"serviceRegion": "AU",
"serviceType": "EF",
"shippingServiceCode": [],
"skuList": [
"height": 15,
"length": 10,
"pieceQuantity": 1,
"polybag": "true",
"siop": false,
"skuId": "OC0000250294068",
"weight": 1000,
"width": 2,
"withBattery": false
"skuType": true,
"warehouseRegionCode": "AU"
"messageId": "7891955650647900161",
"timestamp": 0
Request samples
"code": 1,
"message": "Authentication Fail:clientKey missing"