Place Outbound Order
/3pp/outbound/v1/creationThis API syncs seller's orders on 3PP site to OC.
When the seller place non-MF orders on the 3PP site and they want OCH fulfil the orders, the 3PP site could sync these orders to OCH through this API.
The max number of outbound orders in a single request is 50.
In one call, 3PP should create no more than 50 outbound orders.
First please get the access_token thru accessToken&refreshToken API and refresh accseeToken.
Then pass the value following the below format to Header.
Bearer+one space+access_token valueExample:
Thru the API get Access_token value, which is 'accesstokenvaluexxxxxxxx'.
Header Value is as below:
Bearer accesstokenvaluexxxxxxxx
The company name or business name of the consignee
The consignee's address line 1
The consignee's address line 2
The consignee's city
The consignee's country, 2-character country code(ISO-3166)
The consignee's email address
The consignee's full name
The consignee's contact Number
The consignee's Province/state
The consignee's zip code
The eBay id,
If orderPlatform = ”eBay“ (ignore case), this field is mandatory.
The eBay order id,the format:
If orderPlatform = ”eBay“ (ignore case), this field is mandatory.
Get the value of the field when calling the uploadFile V2 API first
The consignee's house number
Platform Name
3pp outbound order number
outbound order remarks
From which MF warehouse seller want this order to be fulfilled. OCH defines these regional warehouse list, 3PP could get this foundational data from "getServiceList" API.
By which the shipping option seller wants this order to be fulfilled. OCH defines these shipping options list, 3PP could get this foundational data from "getServiceList" API.
"apiVersion": "string",
"data": [
"companyName": "string",
"consigneeAddress1": "string",
"consigneeAddress2": "string",
"consigneeCity": "string",
"consigneeCountryCode": "st",
"consigneeEmail": "string",
"consigneeName": "string",
"consigneePhone": "string",
"consigneeProvinceOrState": "string",
"consigneeZipCode": "string",
"ebayId": "string",
"ebayOrderId": "string",
"fileGroupID": "string",
"houseNumber": "string",
"orderPlatform": "string",
"productList": [
"currency": "str",
"declaredValue": 0,
"eBayItemId": "string",
"eBayTransactionId": "string",
"mfSkuId": "string",
"skuQuantity": 0
"referenceNumber": "string",
"remarks": "string",
"serviceRegion": "string",
"shippingServiceCode": "string"
"messageId": "string",
"timestamp": 0
Request samples
Unique order number generated by OCH
3pp outbound order number
"code": 0,
"data": [
"orderNumber": "OCO000000000000XX",
"referenceNumber": "00000000000000"
"orderNumber": "OCO000000000001XX",
"referenceNumber": "00000000000001"
"message": "Interface call succeeded.",
"messageId": "000000000000000"